Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay Addiction - 1629 Words

Why is it that when a person is diagnosed, for example, with diabetes, they are provided with Social Security Disability Benefits and a number of free welfare benefits, but the majority of people diagnosed with addiction receives little to no treatment. According to the article Treating Addiction as a Chronic Disease, †Health officials estimate 22 million people in the U.S. abuse alcohol or drugs or both and only around 10 percent of them are in treatment.† Deciding whether addiction is deserving of jail time or necessary treatment is a huge controversy in our world today. Will naming addiction as a disease end the stigma of addicts and provide a better environment for them to seek help? Addiction has been apart of our society†¦show more content†¦The definition of disease and the effects of addiction correlate immensely in that addiction meets all the requirement of the disease. Addiction is the number one cause of death in eighteen to twenty-four-year-olds, addiction has a set of known signs and symptoms, and addiction can also be diagnosed with objective evidence via brain scan (The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction: The Basics). Similar to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, addiction is caused by a combination of behavioral, environmental, and biological factors. Clearly, there is an increased risk for severe drug-related problems for children of addicts, even if they were raised without any knowledge of their biological parents ´ problems. The article â€Å"Choosing to stop your addiction† expresses the role of genes when considering addiction. Genes are the instructions for our bodies structure and function. Each human is different in how we react to certain medications, how each brain copes with stress, and the amount of a given chemical that is present in our brain. People who show a certain biological differences in their genes, have a more or less vulnerable to addiction. But it is not just one gene, addiction vulnerability is a very complex trait that is unique in every case. (Washington post.2014). Like cancer, a parent passes on the gene mistake to their offspring, therefore they are born with a genetic predisposition to addiction. Also, if drugs or alcohol isShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction Argumentative Essay977 Words   |  4 PagesYates 7-22-2012 Argumentative Essay: Addiction is a choice Alcohol and illicit drug consumption are all too prevalent today in high schools, colleges, and all across the globe. Students seeking to fit in or forget about the repetitiveness of school and homework have a tendency to experiment. Drug addiction is known by the scientific community to be a psychological condition based on excessive, obsessive, and compulsive actions. 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If you only grasp one thing from this essay let it be this, â€Å"live life to its fullest potential†

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